EpiPen 0.3mg- Diabetesteststripswholesale View larger

EpiPen 0.3mg



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EpiPen is an adrenaline auto-injector (AAI) designed for the emergency treatment of the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis. Such a reaction can occur when your immune system overreacts to an innocuous substance such as food or medication. It can also happen as a result of insect stings, exercise or exposure to latex.

The symptoms of anaphylactic shock include breathing difficulties, swelling of the tongue, mouth or throat, wheezing, and collapse and unconsciousness. A serious medical emergency, anaphylaxis can develop rapidly and can pose a threat to life. EpiPen administers a dose of epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, to control symptoms and get the sufferer out of harm’s way.

When faced with anaphylactic shock, every second matters so acting without hesitation is vital. If you have experienced an episode in the past, you may have been prescribed an auto-injector in case of future attacks. An immediate, first-line treatment, the device is prefilled with the adrenaline required to treat a shock. Conveniently, the medicine can be self-injected or injected by a carer and should take effect immediately. This means that you do not have to wait for an ambulance to arrive to treat the problem. However, it is advisable to call the emergency services whenever anaphylactic shock strikes.

Due to the nature of this medication, the expiry date for product received may be less than 12 months.


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EpiPen 0.3mg

EpiPen 0.3mg


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